Microsoft finally came around at the beginning of this year to open the option to set the (Teams) presence state via their MS Graph API.
For my Asterisk telephony application this comes in handy as I can now set Teams busy when a user is on the phone.
I am using the client credential flow with application type permissions:
#!/bin/bash token_file="/tmp/azure.token" response="/tmp/azure.response" tenant='your tenant ID' client_id='your client ID' client_secret='your client secret' scope='' grant_type='client_credentials' #status='{"sessionId":"'${client_id}'","availability":"Available","activity":"Available","expirationDuration":"PT1H"}' #status='{"sessionId":"'${client_id}'","availability":"Busy","activity":"InACall","expirationDuration":"PT2H"}' status='{"sessionId":"'${client_id}'"}' if [ "$#" -lt 2 ] ; then echo "Usage: $0 <user> <available|busy>" exit 1 elif [ -n "${1//[-A-Za-z0-9@._]}" ] ; then echo "Error: <user> can only contain alpha-numeric characters and any of '-_.@'" exit 1 elif [ "$2" = "busy" ] ; then status='{"sessionId":"'${client_id}'","availability":"Busy","activity":"InACall","expirationDuration":"PT2H"}' fi user="$1" update_token() { token=$(curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" "${tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token" \ --data-urlencode "client_id=${client_id}" \ --data-urlencode "client_secret=${client_secret}" \ --data-urlencode "scope=${scope}" \ --data-urlencode "grant_type=${grant_type}" | jq -r '.access_token') echo $token > "${token_file}" chmod 600 "${token_file}" } get_token() { if [ ! -f "${token_file}" ] ; then update_token else token=$(cat "${token_file}") fi } get_user() { error=$(curl -s -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" -w "%{http_code}" -o "${response}" "${user}") } get_token get_user if [ "$error" = "401" ] ; then update_token get_user fi if [ "$error" = "404" ] ; then echo "Error: <user> (${user}) not found!" exit 1 elif [ "$error" != "200" ] ; then echo "Error: unhandled HTTP ${error}" exit 1 fi id=$(jq -r '.id' "${response}") rm -f "${response}" if [ "${status//availability}" != "${status}" ] ; then curl -s -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "${id}/presence/setPresence" -d "${status}" else curl -s -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "${id}/presence/clearPresence" -d "${status}" fi
I even created a DOS version that runs on current Windows 10/Server 2019+
@echo off setlocal REM ################################################# REM Config section REM ################################################# set TENANT=your_tenant_id set CLIENT_ID=your_client_id set CLIENT_SECRET=your_client_secret REM ################################################# set SCOPE= set GRANT_TYPE=client_credentials set "TOKEN_FILE=%TEMP%/azure.token" set "ERROR_FILE=%TEMP%/azure.error" set "RESPONSE=%TEMP%/azure.response" set JSON={} set TOKEN= set ID= set STATUS=available if %1.==. goto :usage set USER=%1 if %2.==. goto :usage if %2==busy set STATUS=busy call :get_token call :get_user set /p ERROR=<%ERROR_FILE% if %ERROR%=='401' ( call :update_token call :get_token call :get_user ) if %ERROR%=='404' echo "Error: <user> (%USER%) not found!" & goto :end if not %ERROR%=='200' echo "Error: unhandled HTTP %ERROR%" & goto :end for /f "usebackq delims=" %%f in ("%RESPONSE%") do set "JSON=%%f" call :parse_json set ID=%JSON[id]% if %STATUS%==busy ( curl -s -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer %TOKEN%" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "" -d "{""sessionId"":""%CLIENT_ID%"",""availability"":""Busy"",""activity"":""InACall"",""expirationDuration"":""PT2H""}" ) else ( curl -s -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer %TOKEN%" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "" -d "{""sessionId"":""%CLIENT_ID%""}" ) goto :end :update_token curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" "" --data-urlencode "CLIENT_ID=%CLIENT_ID%" --data-urlencode "CLIENT_SECRET=%CLIENT_SECRET%" --data-urlencode "SCOPE=%SCOPE%" --data-urlencode "GRANT_TYPE=%GRANT_TYPE%" > %TOKEN_FILE% exit /B :get_token if not exist %TOKEN_FILE% call :update_token for /f "usebackq delims=" %%f in ("%TOKEN_FILE%") do set "JSON=%%f" call :parse_json set TOKEN=%JSON[access_token]% exit /B :get_user curl -s -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer %TOKEN%" -w '%%{http_code}' -o %RESPONSE% "" > %ERROR_FILE% exit /B :parse_json set "JSON=%JSON:~1,-1%" set "JSON=%JSON:":=",%" set mod=0 for %%I in (%JSON%) do ( set /a mod=!mod setlocal enabledelayedexpansion if !mod! equ 0 ( for %%# in ("!var!") do endlocal & set "JSON[%%~#]=%%~I" ) else ( endlocal & set "var=%%~I" ) ) set JSON[ exit /B :usage echo "Usage: %0% <userprincipalname> <busy available="">" :end
Hi! Aber es verhindert nicht, das man in Teams angerufen wird. Will sagen, das Teams auch bei "Busy on Buys" dennoch den Call durchreicht, obwohl man den Status auf "InACall" gesetzt hat.